When searching for good cat treats, I knew it would be a tough search. Overall, I found the safest to be freeze dried. They don't have anything added to the ingredient on most of them. Just pure meat that's been dehydrated or freeze dried. I found many more of these out there so this is in no way all of them. Outside of that, there were only a select few of actual treats worth mentioning. These listed are from a general search. If anyone knows of small businesses making healthy limited ingredient cat treats, I wouldn't mind adding them to this list. Listed below are grain free & gluten free. You may see red highlighted ingredients and that is the not so good ingredients. I myself would probably skip those treats and buy other ones without anything. I added them because the other ingredients happen to be descent ingredients. Also look for organic products as well as made and sourced in the USA.
Stay away from food colorings as well. And eggs: Eggs that say GMO free or cage free mean absolutely nothing. They must be pasture fed and/or organic. Pasture fed chickens are eating insects and bugs like they would on a healthy living farm. Our eggs in stores may say cage free, but they are still in a barn or huge metal building and crammed in wing to wing eating GMO grains. There is nothing healthy about this. You want pasture fed and organic.
Many pet owners assume feeding things like organic brown rice, organic barley and organic millet is just fabulous for their dog or cat. However, organic grains are much better suited for a vegetarian animal like a rabbit, horse or cow. For dogs and cats, they do not require grains and therefore organic or not, you're not doing your pet any favors. AVOID these to avoid allergies and digestive tract issue
Stay away from food colorings as well. And eggs: Eggs that say GMO free or cage free mean absolutely nothing. They must be pasture fed and/or organic. Pasture fed chickens are eating insects and bugs like they would on a healthy living farm. Our eggs in stores may say cage free, but they are still in a barn or huge metal building and crammed in wing to wing eating GMO grains. There is nothing healthy about this. You want pasture fed and organic.
Many pet owners assume feeding things like organic brown rice, organic barley and organic millet is just fabulous for their dog or cat. However, organic grains are much better suited for a vegetarian animal like a rabbit, horse or cow. For dogs and cats, they do not require grains and therefore organic or not, you're not doing your pet any favors. AVOID these to avoid allergies and digestive tract issue
If it doesn't list what country, then it is undetermined at this time. Even though this list is of good ingredients, it is your decision on whether to purchase ones that are from another country. I do not recommend buying any products sourced from China. Anyone that would like to provide added info to this, please email me at [email protected]. Would love to get more info as it is found. Thank you!
Click on images to go to product site
Orijen Regional Red Cat TreatsIngredients:
Fresh beef liver (19%), fresh lamb liver (17%), fresh boar liver (14%), fresh pork liver (13%), fresh beef (13%), fresh pork (12%), fresh lamb (12%). |
Dr. Harvey's Whisker SmackersIngredients:
Whisker Smackers contain no fillers at all. They also contain no preservatives or coloring agents or dyes of any kind. These pure bits of fish or beef, have only one ingredient each. |
Weruva Paw Lickin' Chicken Freeze-Dried Dog & Cat Treats |
The Honest Kitchen Wishes TreatsIngredients:
Dehydrated white fish |