Holistic Dog Toothpaste Recipe For Healthy Teeth and Gums

by Melody McKinnon
The best homemade, natural dog toothpaste provides:
All of the above factors combine for optimum oral health as a whole, while also cleansing and preventing (or treating) gum disease (such as pyorrhea and gingivitis).
The best homemade, natural dog toothpaste provides:
- Dogs can naturally clean their teeth by chewing bones or other chew-safe items.
- Gentle abrasion to clean teeth
- Natural plaque prevention
- Naturally antimicrobial cleansing
- Minerals to support dental health nutritionally
- Acidity reduction to prevent tooth decay
- Gum tightening and increased blood circulation
All of the above factors combine for optimum oral health as a whole, while also cleansing and preventing (or treating) gum disease (such as pyorrhea and gingivitis).
This creamy, homemade dog toothpaste recipe has a vegetable glycerin base to dilute essential oils and make the ingredients more palatable to your dog. We included powdered ingredients to add more soft abrasion, along with a few essential oils for instant anti-microbial effects. The result is an effective herbal canine toothpaste that cleans, provides nutritional and immune system support, prevents bleeding gums, and offers anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.
Formulated by AllNaturalPetCare.com
1/4 cup Food-grade Calcium Montmorillonite Clay (Plaque removal, purifies, adds minerals, lowers acidity, soothes)
2 TBSP Thyme leaf powder (Anti-inflammatory and astringent)
2 TBSP Powdered seaweed/algae (Plaque removal, chlorophyll content, anti-bacterial, lowers acidity, adds minerals)
1/4 tsp Turmeric (Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, circulation, molecular prevention of plaque build-up)
1/2 cup Food-grade vegetable glycerin (not to be confused with synthetic glycerin or fuel byproduct glycerin)
3 Drops Myrrh Essential Oil (Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, tannin astringent, white blood cell stimulant)
2 Drops Goldenseal Essential Oil (Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, supports immunity) Should not be used for pregnant dogs.
Mix vegetable glycerin, myrrh and goldenseal together in a bowl. Add remaining ingredients. Use a fork or whisk to mix until well blended.
Store in an opaque, airtight container and keep cool.
Brush once or twice per day for about two minutes
Note: Sanguinarine from Bloodroot is sometimes recommended for homemade toothpaste, but it has been associated with leukoplakic lesions and we strongly recommend that it be avoided.
1/4 cup Food-grade Calcium Montmorillonite Clay (Plaque removal, purifies, adds minerals, lowers acidity, soothes)
2 TBSP Thyme leaf powder (Anti-inflammatory and astringent)
2 TBSP Powdered seaweed/algae (Plaque removal, chlorophyll content, anti-bacterial, lowers acidity, adds minerals)
1/4 tsp Turmeric (Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, circulation, molecular prevention of plaque build-up)
1/2 cup Food-grade vegetable glycerin (not to be confused with synthetic glycerin or fuel byproduct glycerin)
3 Drops Myrrh Essential Oil (Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, tannin astringent, white blood cell stimulant)
2 Drops Goldenseal Essential Oil (Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, supports immunity) Should not be used for pregnant dogs.
Mix vegetable glycerin, myrrh and goldenseal together in a bowl. Add remaining ingredients. Use a fork or whisk to mix until well blended.
Store in an opaque, airtight container and keep cool.
Brush once or twice per day for about two minutes
Note: Sanguinarine from Bloodroot is sometimes recommended for homemade toothpaste, but it has been associated with leukoplakic lesions and we strongly recommend that it be avoided.
**Do not use baking soda paste to brush your dog’s teeth if he
is on a salt-restricted diet.
**Never use toothpaste made for humans.
is on a salt-restricted diet.
**Never use toothpaste made for humans.
Homemade toothpaste for dogs
By Examiner
A healthy dog is a dog with a nice, clean mouth. You don't have to buy expensive (and gimmicky, let's be honest) toothpaste made specifically for dogs in order to clean your pup's mouth. You can simply create your own homemade doggy toothpaste. Here's how, quick and easy!
All you need is some baking soda, chicken or beef broth, and some salt for abrasion. Add one of those little baby toothbrushes that you slip over your finger and you're good as gold!
Mix around 6 teaspoons of baking soda with 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add to this a few drops of chicken or beef broth (for taste) and create a paste. Baking soda kills those nasty germs and whitens those doggy teeth, whereas the salt is a bacteria killer and gets rid of plaque on teeth.
Voila! You have great homemade toothpaste for dogs! If your dog has nasty breath, add some parsley flakes to the mix, which help with inflammation in the gums as well as battle nasty breath.
This homemade dog toothpaste is safe for your dog to swallow, and the salt is optional. You can use a dog toothbrush or a baby one (which I much prefer). Safe on cats as well, and if you don't have any broth, I find fish oil to be right on target.
A healthy dog is a dog with a nice, clean mouth. You don't have to buy expensive (and gimmicky, let's be honest) toothpaste made specifically for dogs in order to clean your pup's mouth. You can simply create your own homemade doggy toothpaste. Here's how, quick and easy!
All you need is some baking soda, chicken or beef broth, and some salt for abrasion. Add one of those little baby toothbrushes that you slip over your finger and you're good as gold!
Mix around 6 teaspoons of baking soda with 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add to this a few drops of chicken or beef broth (for taste) and create a paste. Baking soda kills those nasty germs and whitens those doggy teeth, whereas the salt is a bacteria killer and gets rid of plaque on teeth.
Voila! You have great homemade toothpaste for dogs! If your dog has nasty breath, add some parsley flakes to the mix, which help with inflammation in the gums as well as battle nasty breath.
This homemade dog toothpaste is safe for your dog to swallow, and the salt is optional. You can use a dog toothbrush or a baby one (which I much prefer). Safe on cats as well, and if you don't have any broth, I find fish oil to be right on target.
Coconut oil will clean and protect the teeth as well.
Brush with coconut oil and/or Colloidal Silver.
Brush with coconut oil and/or Colloidal Silver.
Cat Toothpaste
By All Natural Pet Care
Since posting our recipe for a natural toothpaste for dogs, we’ve been asked many times if it’s safe for cats. Cats are highly sensitive to essential oils, so we don’t recommend that our dog toothpaste recipe be used on felines. However, we do have an easy alternative!
Edible Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is an effective, soothing oral cleanser with a neutral taste. It is a proven natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of gum disease (such as gingivitis), abscesses and receding gums through it’s natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s very gently abrasive to assist in plaque removal, while lowering acidity in the mouth to prevent cavities. It also hardens tooth enamel and improves bad breath.
If your cat swallows some they’ll enjoy the benefits of ingesting Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, which includes a complete mineral supplement and toxin elimination.
Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion of the lower third premolar of a cat. The caudal aspect of the tooth is affected, with gingival tissue partially filling the defect.
Since posting our recipe for a natural toothpaste for dogs, we’ve been asked many times if it’s safe for cats. Cats are highly sensitive to essential oils, so we don’t recommend that our dog toothpaste recipe be used on felines. However, we do have an easy alternative!
Edible Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is an effective, soothing oral cleanser with a neutral taste. It is a proven natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of gum disease (such as gingivitis), abscesses and receding gums through it’s natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s very gently abrasive to assist in plaque removal, while lowering acidity in the mouth to prevent cavities. It also hardens tooth enamel and improves bad breath.
If your cat swallows some they’ll enjoy the benefits of ingesting Calcium Montmorillonite Clay, which includes a complete mineral supplement and toxin elimination.
Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion of the lower third premolar of a cat. The caudal aspect of the tooth is affected, with gingival tissue partially filling the defect.
Using Calcium Montmorillonite Clay as a Cat Toothpaste
It’s as easy as sprinkling a little clay on a damp infant toothbrush or a piece of damp, sterile gauze wrapped around your finger. Gently brush the teeth and lightly move the brush/gauze over the gums. If you use a toothbrush, rinse it well after using as the clay will dry hard. Since so little is required, it’s much more economical than manufactured toothpaste and you avoid all of the extra ingredients.
If you and your cat are new to tooth brushing, be patient. You don’t want it to be a stressful, cat-scratching event every time so work hard to make it a pleasant experience. Initially, you should help her become accustomed to having you brush her teeth by letting her feel the brush or your finger in her mouth briefly, allowing her dictate how long it remains there. If she’s totally against it, try rubbing the gauze or toothbrush over unseasoned cooked fish or other favorite food until she’s used to the procedure. Of course, she’ll deserve lots of praise and a healthy treat when you’re done!
Purchasing Calcium Montmorillonite Clay
It is imperative that you purchase a high quality, pure, edible grade clay supplement as is offered here.
It’s as easy as sprinkling a little clay on a damp infant toothbrush or a piece of damp, sterile gauze wrapped around your finger. Gently brush the teeth and lightly move the brush/gauze over the gums. If you use a toothbrush, rinse it well after using as the clay will dry hard. Since so little is required, it’s much more economical than manufactured toothpaste and you avoid all of the extra ingredients.
If you and your cat are new to tooth brushing, be patient. You don’t want it to be a stressful, cat-scratching event every time so work hard to make it a pleasant experience. Initially, you should help her become accustomed to having you brush her teeth by letting her feel the brush or your finger in her mouth briefly, allowing her dictate how long it remains there. If she’s totally against it, try rubbing the gauze or toothbrush over unseasoned cooked fish or other favorite food until she’s used to the procedure. Of course, she’ll deserve lots of praise and a healthy treat when you’re done!
Purchasing Calcium Montmorillonite Clay
It is imperative that you purchase a high quality, pure, edible grade clay supplement as is offered here.
Herbal Mouth Rinse for Dogs
Oral treatment for relief of tooth and gum infections.
This herbal infection fighter can be particularly useful for the larger species e.g. small to large canines when the teeth have infection, sore gums and/or smelly breath. Use a herb called “Calendula” in liquid form.
Example: Add 60 drops into ½ cup of plain yogurt, add any other vitamins or vital green powder to this if desired. Then using an oral syringe, give orally 20ml or 40ml twice to three times a day until mouth is much improved. Some dogs like this and will take without using an oral syringe, so try this first. Dosage can be reduced to once a day as casual support for healthy gums and teeth after improvement has been seen.
This herbal infection fighter can be particularly useful for the larger species e.g. small to large canines when the teeth have infection, sore gums and/or smelly breath. Use a herb called “Calendula” in liquid form.
Example: Add 60 drops into ½ cup of plain yogurt, add any other vitamins or vital green powder to this if desired. Then using an oral syringe, give orally 20ml or 40ml twice to three times a day until mouth is much improved. Some dogs like this and will take without using an oral syringe, so try this first. Dosage can be reduced to once a day as casual support for healthy gums and teeth after improvement has been seen.