By Holistic And Organix Pet Shoppe
If you have read my article on Kibble Kills, then you will know where I stand on pet foods. Pet foods today are not regulated nor inspected. Everything going into commercial pet foods is waste. Our waste as humans along with euthanized animals and/or road kill. To read more on commercial pet foods, click here.
Here is my list in order to which is worst and best. I hope number 1 will make your list in your home.
If you have read my article on Kibble Kills, then you will know where I stand on pet foods. Pet foods today are not regulated nor inspected. Everything going into commercial pet foods is waste. Our waste as humans along with euthanized animals and/or road kill. To read more on commercial pet foods, click here.
Here is my list in order to which is worst and best. I hope number 1 will make your list in your home.
Number 7. KIBBLE: These contain 4-D ingredients, altered proteins that may contribute to food intolerances, food allergies, and inflammatory bowel disease, high-heat processing, cancer causing chemicals such as Glyphosate, mycotoxins from grains, synthetic vitamins, high carbs, protein denaturation and unfortunately, denaturation of high quality, lean, whole cuts of meat used in superior quality dry pet foods also occurs. As you might guess, denaturation of biologically appropriate protein has the opposite effect of what is achieved with grain-based and low-grade animal meat. Denaturation makes these once healthy proteins more difficult for your dog or cat to digest and assimilate.
The change in the structure of healthy protein that occurs during exposure to high heat is a possible trigger for food allergies. Research shows the immune system may not recognize the altered protein structure and treats it as a foreign invader. This may explain why pets allergic to a particular meat-based dry food oftentimes have no problem eating that same meat in whole, raw form. Fluoride contamination of pet foods. Costs are high for premium bagged kibble as well.
The change in the structure of healthy protein that occurs during exposure to high heat is a possible trigger for food allergies. Research shows the immune system may not recognize the altered protein structure and treats it as a foreign invader. This may explain why pets allergic to a particular meat-based dry food oftentimes have no problem eating that same meat in whole, raw form. Fluoride contamination of pet foods. Costs are high for premium bagged kibble as well.
Running to the store to buy a bag of pet food is nothing more than convenience to the human. But it is a slow death to your pet.
Number 6. Canned pet foods: All the above applies to canned as well except canned is better due to more moisture content as it still holds some nutrients. Although in wet foods, the water-soluble B-vitamin thiamine can be almost completely lost due to its reactivity with heat, moisture, sulfites, elevated pH and the thiaminase enzymes found in fish and organ meats. All commercial pet foods are NOT regulated by the FDA. In fact, it's our humans food waste and dead carcasses from shelter animals that go into these foods. Costs are also high for premium canned ingredients as well. Also the big concern over BPA in can linings. And the ones that say BPA Free, contain BPS which is even more toxic.
Number 5. Freeze Dried/Dehydrated Raw: While raw is always good, these do not contain any moisture and you must add filtered fluoride free water. These have also been cooked at a high heating process. Many of these also still contain synthetic vitamins. Great for traveling.
Number 4. Unbalanced homemade diet: While a pet parent has every intention of providing the best diet for their pet, a homemade diet MUST be balanced. I find many pet parents with instructions from their vet, that they feed a dog chicken and rice for lengthy periods of time. WHY? To kill your pet? For whatever reasons you were told, this is not a good reason. Please do not trust your vet on nutrition. They do not have a clue. Better yet, Check out my book on "The Complete Guide To Natural Health and Homemade Diet For Dogs -Updated Version" as it will tell you how to balance a diet. Do extensive research. Get with someone that knows exactly how to feed a balanced diet before you take the leap. This diet will kill your pet quicker than any diet. If your dog has liver issues or kidney issues, please read more on a special diet for your pets. Many websites including this one that contain information to help balance the diet for your ill or diseased pet.
Number 3. Home-cooked balanced diet: While this is a good diet to feed, it also lacks some nutrients from cooking the foods. This is important to add in the right supplements in a whole food form if at all possible to get the much needed nutrients. Also cooked meats have a harder time breaking down in the digestive tract.
Cooking with fluoridated water simply concentrates fluoride in the food, a point that all pet food manufacturers must consider in addition to the ingredients they use in their manufactured pet foods.
Number 2. Raw - store bought regular meats: These meats, yes our human meats have also been laced with antibiotics and hormones. I know it says on the package that its antibiotic free and hormone free. Do you know for sure? Only if that cow or pig was fed an organic diet would it not contain these chemicals. It's only common sense. So buy organic meats instead. Add in the CORRECT supplements as well.
Number 1. Raw - homemade organic meats or farm meats: Even buying meats from the store are acceptable if they are organic only. It's hard to find organic liver for example but do your very best in selecting the right source of meats. Local Farmers that feed grass fed cows is an improvement as well. Wild game is great because unless they are raised on a factory farm, then they will have the best diet. Then when it reaches your pet's bowl, it will be less tainted with chemicals. Buying from a RAW pet food supplier is also a good place. Ask them lots of questions. Where does the meat come from? What do they feed their livestock? Do they use a lot of vaccines and chemicals with that animal. How is it processed? Do they get their sources from local or shipped from other countries? Do they feed organic grains in winter and grass fed in summer?
Add in the sufficient supplements as well.
Add in the sufficient supplements as well.
ALL diets should have nutrients/supplements added since our foods no longer contain enough.
Raw fed dogs are said to have:
Shinier, healthier skin
Fresher breath/cleaner teeth
Improved digestion
Improvement with allergy symptoms
Anal Gland problems cleared up
Decreased shedding
Increased stamina
Firmer, smaller stools
A general increase in overall health
Less cases of joint issues
Less illness and vet visits
So why not feed a fresh healthy diet? It isn't so difficult or confusing as it sounds.
For learning a step by step in detail diet of homemade, in my book you will find all the answers to your questions you have. And if you don't, feel free to contact me anytime.
By Holistic And Organix Pet Shoppe ©
Shinier, healthier skin
Fresher breath/cleaner teeth
Improved digestion
Improvement with allergy symptoms
Anal Gland problems cleared up
Decreased shedding
Increased stamina
Firmer, smaller stools
A general increase in overall health
Less cases of joint issues
Less illness and vet visits
So why not feed a fresh healthy diet? It isn't so difficult or confusing as it sounds.
For learning a step by step in detail diet of homemade, in my book you will find all the answers to your questions you have. And if you don't, feel free to contact me anytime.
By Holistic And Organix Pet Shoppe ©