Many dog owners don't clip their dogs nails because they think it's too hard, or they're just too nervous to do it. The truth is, it's not all that complicated, and if you're in a relaxed calm state of mind, you can get it done quickly and painlessly.
First off you'll need a good pair of dog nail clippers. You can find them at any pet supply store. Find the right size for your dog. You don't want to have tiny little clippers if you have a huge dog, and visa versa. If you already have clippers, make sure they're not rusty and are still in good condition and sharp. Dull clippers can pull and crack the nail.
First off you'll need a good pair of dog nail clippers. You can find them at any pet supply store. Find the right size for your dog. You don't want to have tiny little clippers if you have a huge dog, and visa versa. If you already have clippers, make sure they're not rusty and are still in good condition and sharp. Dull clippers can pull and crack the nail.
Next, get a piece of cloth or paper towel just in case you cut the nail too close. They also sell a product that helps clot the blood faster; it's a powder (styptic) and it really works. Then, how should you know if your dogs nails are too long? Only the pads of its feet should be touching the floor when he/she walks; you shouldn't hear the nails clicking against the floor.
Get your supplies together and get your dog. Have the dog lie down or in a sit position. While he/she is lying on the floor or sitting, grab a paw. If it's a big dog, or if he/she is giving you a hard time, wait till the dog is sleepy or relaxed.
It'll be a lot easier and cut the risk of hurting your dog. When you cut the nail, always cut from the front (straight on), never from the side.
It'll be a lot easier and cut the risk of hurting your dog. When you cut the nail, always cut from the front (straight on), never from the side.
There are different colors of dog nails. White or lighter nails are much easier to cut because you can see the vein in the nail. Take your clippers and clip off the end of the nail just before the vein. If the nails were very long to begin with, you'll need to cut a little bit off the end every few days. Cutting regularly will help the vein to recede and soon your dog will have short nails again.
Black or dark nails are harder to do. First, cut a bit off the end. After a while you should see a dot in the middle of the nail; that is the beginning of the vein. Stop after you see that dot. If you cut too far, or "quik" your dog, just apply pressure to the nail, and eventually it will stop bleeding. Or get some baking soda, flour, styptic or some other form of safe powder and stick the nail in it until bleeding has stopped.
Black or dark nails are harder to do. First, cut a bit off the end. After a while you should see a dot in the middle of the nail; that is the beginning of the vein. Stop after you see that dot. If you cut too far, or "quik" your dog, just apply pressure to the nail, and eventually it will stop bleeding. Or get some baking soda, flour, styptic or some other form of safe powder and stick the nail in it until bleeding has stopped.
When cutting your dogs nails, don't forget about the dew claw. This is a nail slightly above their foot. If you keep your dog's nails short, it will reduce the risk of them growing long, painful nails. Long nails take much more maintenance and time to get them to a normal size.
You and your dog might both be nervous about this process. But you, being the human, should try to reassure the dog. Talk soothingly and gently. If you're too nervous, the dog will sense it and become scared as well.
You and your dog might both be nervous about this process. But you, being the human, should try to reassure the dog. Talk soothingly and gently. If you're too nervous, the dog will sense it and become scared as well.
Afterwards, give a small treat to the dog. It may take much patience and practice to master clipping a dogs nails, but it is a lot easier than taking it to the groomer every time. Just take your time and relax.
**If your dog has an extremely difficult time with nail clipping, you can clip ONE nail a day. After you clip the nail, make a big deal out of it and give lots of praise. The next day, repeat. Eventually the dog will be less stressed and began to allow you to do them all. You can always try one foot at a time..then the next day or so, do the next foot.
This has worked great for me on a dog that once wanted to bite the clippers. Now she sticks her paw up and wants me to clip them..BECAUSE she knows she's getting a treat when she's done with a lot of praise and excitement for being such a good girl.
**If your dog has an extremely difficult time with nail clipping, you can clip ONE nail a day. After you clip the nail, make a big deal out of it and give lots of praise. The next day, repeat. Eventually the dog will be less stressed and began to allow you to do them all. You can always try one foot at a time..then the next day or so, do the next foot.
This has worked great for me on a dog that once wanted to bite the clippers. Now she sticks her paw up and wants me to clip them..BECAUSE she knows she's getting a treat when she's done with a lot of praise and excitement for being such a good girl.
From this first video (below) by Dr Becker, I got a lot from it since I have several dogs that I have had to almost sit on to do their nails. Ha! I started off after watching this with only doing one nail, waited for the reaction and either stopped then or tried another one. I took it one nail at a time. They let me know when they were done. I would at least try to do one paw a day. I make a huge deal out of it..clapping my hands saying 'good girl' and talking in the excited voice and after we are completely done, then I give a treat.
NOW, I have all of them coming up to me wanting me to do their nails. I also started using a dremel in which one dog hated it so bad she would try to bite it. NOW she lets me use it without any issues at all. It takes time and patience to get a dog to get use to getting their nails done, but you CAN accomplish this much easier when you find creative ways to do it. I have 5 dogs and this works well for all of them....big or little.~H.O.P.S.
NOW, I have all of them coming up to me wanting me to do their nails. I also started using a dremel in which one dog hated it so bad she would try to bite it. NOW she lets me use it without any issues at all. It takes time and patience to get a dog to get use to getting their nails done, but you CAN accomplish this much easier when you find creative ways to do it. I have 5 dogs and this works well for all of them....big or little.~H.O.P.S.