Does Your Veterinarian Care?
I have a gripe I need to get off my chest. First off, your dog or cat is YOUR pet. YOU have all the say so in the world over them. You know them well, you love them, and you care for them. But one day they will become sick and you will need to take them to the vet. The vet runs a few tests, says your pet is not doing well and they suggest you put them down.
What do you say?
Do you take the vets word for it and allow that vet to take control of the situation?
Do you ask more questions?
Do you ask for more tests?
Do you bring your pet home for a few more days to spend with it before that day?
Let me say this…NO VET on planet Earth should EVER EVER tell you that you need to put your pet down. That is YOUR decision and yours alone. It should never be suggested ever. If you don’t know when the time is right, then you need to sit down and figure it out.
I have a gripe I need to get off my chest. First off, your dog or cat is YOUR pet. YOU have all the say so in the world over them. You know them well, you love them, and you care for them. But one day they will become sick and you will need to take them to the vet. The vet runs a few tests, says your pet is not doing well and they suggest you put them down.
What do you say?
Do you take the vets word for it and allow that vet to take control of the situation?
Do you ask more questions?
Do you ask for more tests?
Do you bring your pet home for a few more days to spend with it before that day?
Let me say this…NO VET on planet Earth should EVER EVER tell you that you need to put your pet down. That is YOUR decision and yours alone. It should never be suggested ever. If you don’t know when the time is right, then you need to sit down and figure it out.
If you are asking your vet if you should, then you need to sit down and ask yourself, if that were your child, or your parent…would you be asking the dr if they need to kill them or not? I know in human cases people may be put on a ventilator and said to be brain dead and you should allow them to pull the plug. I think you need to go home and think this through for awhile until you know for sure that's the right call. You are 100% sure. Not 99%, but 100%..because if you don’t, that guilt will eat you alive. Same for allowing a vet to make that call. The guilt will be on you, not the vet. They could care less. They do this all day long. Death is nothing to them. This is your pet that you love and it's painful to lose them. YOU will know when it is the right time to let them go, whenever that may be.
Vets are eager to kill…ok? Yep most every single one. Time after time after time I have heard stories and even my own where a vet recommends you put your dog or cat down. WHY?
Sounds to me like the vet doesn’t want to deal with you or your pet or isn’t trying to save your pet. It takes too much effort to figure out what's wrong and that's just to much work and thinking for them.
Vets are eager to kill…ok? Yep most every single one. Time after time after time I have heard stories and even my own where a vet recommends you put your dog or cat down. WHY?
Sounds to me like the vet doesn’t want to deal with you or your pet or isn’t trying to save your pet. It takes too much effort to figure out what's wrong and that's just to much work and thinking for them.
Yes I understand money is an issue a lot of time. BUT it is NOT the decision or the comments that need to come from any vet on the planet. NOT ONE! That is YOUR call and yours alone. Don’t throw it off on a vet. YOU make that decision. If you can’t at that time, go home and think it through. Talk to a close friend that’s neutral if you must. Do not allow anyone to tell you what you should do.
Now the question is, can you do more to save your pet? Most of the time, yes there is. Go home, get on the internet and research your brains out. Spend several hours/days researching what the vet has diagnosed your pet with and find answers on how you can help them. What sort of tests should be done, what medications are right for that illness? What are the normal expectations of other vets or people and add additional time to that. They are NEVER right.
Every single living being is unique and each may live much much longer than another. A lot also depends on you. How hard do you want to work at saving your pet? If a vet says your dog has cancer and its life expectancy is 6 weeks, shoot for 3 months or 6 months. Knowledge is power and it may just save your pet’s life. Learn as much as you can. Have knowledge on what to expect from your vet. Don’t have a lazy vet. A lazy vet does little to no testing and sends you home with meds. That vet just killed your pet. You want a vet that will come in with guns a blazing and do all the necessary tests to find out what’s going on, listen to you on how your pet responds to certain medications, if they have a sensitive tummy or not, are they drinking and eating etc. Be completely in tune with your pet and when a vet recommends to give a medication that you know your pet won’t do well on, refuse and ask for something different. Learn your main medications and the side effects involved. If you don't know, research it. Be aggressive yourself in helping your pet. Find answers..ones that don’t come from your vet. If you have a lazy, pushy or rude vet..fire them. Find a new one. They are a dime a dozen and all want your money. Oh and make sure they know your pets basic anatomy. (I shake my head to this one. It's real.)
I took my dog in for a swollen lymph node and a particular vet said it was thyroid, not lymph nodes. SIGH. Where do these people come from…seriously. Two vets before her said lymph nodes.
I have seen some ignorant vets out there. You really need to learn as much as you can and do what you can at home. Vets are good for 2 things; diagnosis (bloodwork, x-rays, sonograms etc) and emergencies. Both are very much needed and should be requested and used to the fullest extent to find answers.
Emergencies are life saving and without a dr, your pet most likely won’t make it. This is when vets are critical. If your dog has an anal gland infection, go to vet, get the diagnosis, come home and find more info on that and how to PREVENT this from happening again and treating it at home using natural products as well. READ READ READ. This is your best medicine….having knowledge.
If your dog has allergies, figure it out yourself what’s causing it. Slapping a band aid (medications) on it won’t help. FIND THE CAUSE and stop that. Even if it takes years, read, learn, study. It’s all trial and error. Do you think your vet has the answers? NOPE they have the meds to sell you..slapping that band aid on it and seeing you again when it flares back up. They just made you a regular customer and them much more money.
I have seen some ignorant vets out there. You really need to learn as much as you can and do what you can at home. Vets are good for 2 things; diagnosis (bloodwork, x-rays, sonograms etc) and emergencies. Both are very much needed and should be requested and used to the fullest extent to find answers.
Emergencies are life saving and without a dr, your pet most likely won’t make it. This is when vets are critical. If your dog has an anal gland infection, go to vet, get the diagnosis, come home and find more info on that and how to PREVENT this from happening again and treating it at home using natural products as well. READ READ READ. This is your best medicine….having knowledge.
If your dog has allergies, figure it out yourself what’s causing it. Slapping a band aid (medications) on it won’t help. FIND THE CAUSE and stop that. Even if it takes years, read, learn, study. It’s all trial and error. Do you think your vet has the answers? NOPE they have the meds to sell you..slapping that band aid on it and seeing you again when it flares back up. They just made you a regular customer and them much more money.
And I also want to say, if you have a pet, stash some cash. Have on hand at least $1,000 for medical emergencies. The better amount would be atleast $3,000. Stash what you can afford but when your pet becomes sick or injured..get ready to fork out some doe. Drs aren’t cheap.
And as I say all of this if you haven’t gotten a vet you trust for the most part, then find one. Have yearly checkups for your pets. Stop all those lathering of flea and tick chemicals all over your pets. Say no to yearly vaccines. Find a vet that offers the 3 yr Rabies. Not all vets do. Your dog can get its puppy shots and after that titer every 3 yrs. If your pet has had any allergic reaction to a vaccine, never get another vaccine again…not even Rabies. If your pet has cancer, severe joint issues, diabetes etc etc, never get another vaccine for them. NEVER give vaccines to a sick, ill, disabled or old (over 10 yrs old) pet.
Tell that vet where to go if they argue this and find a new vet.
YEP I am being pretty blunt in this because frankly, I am fed up watching pets die for bad medical care. It makes me furious. I am seeing it with my own eyes.
Note to vets:
If you are one of those vets that do this, don’t send me hate mail, your opinion doesn’t matter. You are just a number..just as you treat us.
If you are not one of the above mentioned vets and really do care, thank you and I know you will enjoy someone saying this for you.
Love to all!
Holistic and Organix Pet Shoppe
And as I say all of this if you haven’t gotten a vet you trust for the most part, then find one. Have yearly checkups for your pets. Stop all those lathering of flea and tick chemicals all over your pets. Say no to yearly vaccines. Find a vet that offers the 3 yr Rabies. Not all vets do. Your dog can get its puppy shots and after that titer every 3 yrs. If your pet has had any allergic reaction to a vaccine, never get another vaccine again…not even Rabies. If your pet has cancer, severe joint issues, diabetes etc etc, never get another vaccine for them. NEVER give vaccines to a sick, ill, disabled or old (over 10 yrs old) pet.
Tell that vet where to go if they argue this and find a new vet.
YEP I am being pretty blunt in this because frankly, I am fed up watching pets die for bad medical care. It makes me furious. I am seeing it with my own eyes.
Note to vets:
If you are one of those vets that do this, don’t send me hate mail, your opinion doesn’t matter. You are just a number..just as you treat us.
If you are not one of the above mentioned vets and really do care, thank you and I know you will enjoy someone saying this for you.
Love to all!
Holistic and Organix Pet Shoppe